Admissions Statement
Park Lane School caters for pupils aged 3-19 with a range of special educational needs and is maintained by Rhondda-Cynon-Taf County Council. These needs include:
- Severe learning difficulties
- Autistic spectrum disorder
- Profound & multiple learning disabilities
- Social, emotional & behavioural difficulties
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All pupils have a statement of special educational needs. Many pupils have additional learning needs, which include physical, sensory and medical needs as well as speech, language and communication difficulties. Admission to the school is by the Access and Inclusion Panel of the Local Authority. The panel includes:
The Head of Service
Education Psychologist
System Leaders
Headteacher Representation
Pupils who wish to gain admission to the school undergo a multidisciplinary assessment which is co-ordinated by the LA statementing officer. The assessment will involve parents and all agencies who are currently involved with the child. On the basis of this assessment a decision is made as to whether to issue a Statement of Special Educational Needs.
Transition & Support
We take an individualised approach to all new pupils in Park Lane and understand that some pupils will require a slower and more supported transition. We support the whole family during this process and work closely with the pupil, family and other professionals to ensure that the transition is as smooth and successful as possible for all involved.
Based on the assessment a recommendation may be to consider a placement in Park Lane School. At any stage parents are encouraged to visit the school as the assessment process can be an anxious time. If the assessment recommends a placement at Park Lane or if parents request a placement, then the information is discussed at the Inclusion Panel. The professionals make a decision of suitability of the placement based on individual needs.