ALN Statement
All pupils in Park Lane School have a statement of Additional Learning Needs.
These statements must be reviewed on an annual basis in an Annual Review meeting. During this process, the school will invite the families, other professionals and the pupil (where appropriate) to a meeting where progress and next steps will be discussed. All involved in the process will be asked for their views and the school will ensure that this is reported back to the Local Authority.
As a school we are currently preparing for the new ALN bill which will be coming into place during the next academic year. Below are links for you to read to familiarise yourself with this process. Please contact the school (Rhian James – ALNCo) for further information.

In brief, the act will:
- Put the child/young person at the center of everything that is done. This means an increased participation by the children and young people and high aspirations for all
- Cover children and young people from 0-25
- Be a simpler and more transparent system
- Be a unified approach where all involved with the child/young person will collaborate to produce an IDP. These IDP's will take over from the previous statements, school action and school action plus.