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Welcome To Park Lane


Parents & Carers Information

Before COVID 19 the school had a timetable of events that run for parents and families. These included an informal Coffee Morning on the first Thursday of every month. Each month we would have an extra Coffee Morning where we would have a ‘Special Guest’, these included Speech and Language, Family Information Service, Education Psychologist, and the Parent/Carer Support Network. These were well received by families and used as a way of sharing information and receiving advice in an informal setting. Families asked for training sessions on Makaton and Attention Autism, and these were enjoyed by all. 

Fran Reddy is the Family Engagement Lead in school. 

Child in Class 2

Parents & Carers Events

Hopefully when restrictions allow our timetable of events can continue. During lockdown we decorated the Family Room and had all new furniture – it looks fabulous!

Families are welcome to contact the school at any time if they have any questions or need advice or support.