In Park Lane school we ensure that literacy is taught both as an academic subject and as a life skill. The main elements of literacy are: reading, writing and oracy (speaking and listening) which are all taught in an individualised way in our school ensuring that the pupils reach their full potential.
In order to encourage our pupils to achieve in literacy, we have looked at both the new curriculum and Literacy Framework and developed a tailor made curriculum for Park Lane which focuses on the individual needs, abilities and potential of all our students.

We have a HLTA in school who supports the teachers in ensuring that every pupil is catered for and every pupil receives the support and input they need to reach their potential. This is something we as a school feel passionate about and will work closely with families to support this.
New Curriculum for Wales'
4 Literacy Statements
Languages connect us
Expressing ourselves through languages is key to communication
Understanding Our World
Understanding languages is key to understanding the world around us
Literature fires imagination and inspires creativity
For more information the Curriculum for Wales’ literacy and communication statement click here:
Click here for the the Curriculum for Wales’ national mathematics numeracy framework:
For more formal learners, click here for the Oxford Owl reading and writing scheme:
For more formal learners, click here for the Ruth Miskin phonics programme: