Pupil Voice

Here at Park Lane School, we believe that our pupils are the most important people.  

We endeavour to give all pupils lots of opportunities to share their thoughts and opinions and to play an active role in the decisions that affect their learning and well-being.  

As such, they have lots of opportunities to share their thoughts on school issues. 

Just recently our pupils completed surveys about what equipment they would like to see in their school playground. 

We have had lots of good suggestions, so watch this space! 

Pupils from Dosbarth Draenog have been voicing their opinion on the new 3-19 Special School Proposal this week. Local authority representatives listened to all of the points raised by Dosbarth Draenog, and reported that the questions and suggestions from our pupils were very informative and supportive.

Here are some ways in which we collect the views of our children:

It is our primary goal to ensure that all pupils are happy and enjoy every day spent here at Park lane School.

There are many opportunities in school for children to share their opinions and voice their feelings. All staff in school are aware of the importance of listening to our pupils in order to shape our school to meet the needs of our children. 

School Council
Eco Schools Committee
Surveys & Questionnaires
Healthy Schools Committee